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Sprinkler Fitting Apprenticeship Training
Curriculum (Self-Paced)

Fitters Working on branch line


The four levels of AFSA’s Sprinkler Fitting Apprenticeship Training Series are divided into modules (see modules and learning objectives provided below). When choosing the Curriculum method, you are choosing to instruct your own in-house apprenticeship training and you simply need the course materials, including AFSA’s assessments.

$495 / Levels 1-4

  • Online testing for 24/7 access
  • Modules for customizing your program
  • Visual aids to assist with learning
  • Online access to student history and grades
  • Uses the 4th Edition of the Sprinkler Fitting Curriculum
  • Nonmember Price Levels 1-3 $695, Level 4 $650.

Apprentices currently testing in the 3rd edition of the Sprinkler Fitting curriculum will need to complete their current level of testing by the “Sunset” dates listed in this table.

3rd Edition Release8/1/20149/1/20149/1/201411/1/2014
4th Edition Rlease1/1/20231/1/20231/1/2023Q2 2023
3rd Edition Sunset6/30/20246/30/20246/30/20246/30/2024

As of 1/1/23, once an apprentice completes testing in their current 3rd edition level and the employer purchases the next level of curriculum, the apprentice will be enrolled in the new 4th edition of the training series (except for Level 4 with a separate release date).


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