Press Release

Todd Short Named Fire Sprinkler Advocate of the Year

Fire Marshal Protects Redmond’s Residents and Beyond

DALLAS – The American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) is honored to present its 2023 Fire Sprinkler Advocate of the Year award to Todd Short, Redmond Fire Department Fire Marshal, for his work and dedication to fire and life safety. Short has made a lifelong commitment to protecting people from the dangers of fire and to educating the public about the benefits of fire sprinklers.

As assistant fire marshal for the Redmond, Washington, Fire Department, Short was instrumental in the passing of the city’s residential fire sprinkler ordinance for all newly built single- and multi-family housing. He also helped secure the required approval of the State Building Codes Council (SBCC),  which is comprised of elected officials, building trade representatives, fire department personnel, and building department personnel. Additionally, the SBCC determined that any subsequent jurisdiction in Washington state that passed a local ordinance for fire sprinklers in new homes would only have to provide notice of such ordinance to the SBCC and not have to gain a specific approval—another win.

Short also helped to create the Best Practices Forum, which provides a place for AHJs, contractors, designers, plumbers, water purveyors, builders, and anyone else with a stake in the fire sprinkler industry to collaborate on the best practice from permit application to final inspection. The Forum also produces a “Best Practices Guide”  that can be used by both AHJs and fire sprinkler contractors to anchor to a consistent and voluntary consensus document.

Short is a member of and involved with the Washington State Association of Fire Marshals (WASFM), International Residential Code (IRC) Technical Advisory Group (TAG), and currently serves as chair of the Washington State Fire Marshal Coalition, which was formed to provide education and advocacy for residential fire sprinklers.

AFSA created the Fire Sprinkler Advocate of the Year award to honor individuals not directly involved in the fire sprinkler industry whose efforts have significantly advanced the fire protection industry and automatic fire sprinklers. Nominees are recommended by AFSA’s Legislative Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.

Short will be presented with AFSA’S Fire Sprinkler Advocate of the Year award during the general session at AFSA42: Convention, Exhibition & Apprentice Competition to be held September 6-9 at Signia by Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek. To learn more about AFSA42, view the schedule, and register to attend, visit

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