Press Release

AFSA Provides Scholarships for Fire Sprinkler System Designers

DALLAS – One challenge facing the fire sprinkler industry is the need for designers. To help meet that demand, the American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) is pleased to announce a scholarship program for designers employed by AFSA Category 1-3 members. For 2023, scholarships will be awarded for both AFSA’s Beginning and Intermediate Design Schools.

Each scholarship will cover registration fees and travel expenses, including airfare, hotel, and meals, for one of AFSA’s 2023 schools. Applications are submitted online and include questions for both the contractor and designer. A subcommittee of AFSA’s Public Education & Awareness Committee will review the applicants and award the scholarships. The retail value of each scholarship is $4,500.

“The AFSA Technical Services and Engineering team has revamped and revised our Design School offerings and we’re proud to have this new scholarship program in the hope of helping to deliver more layout technicians to our members,” says AFSA President Bob Caputo, CFPS.

AFSA’s Beginning Design School presents a comprehensive, practical approach to preparing fire sprinkler system drawings. This class is designed for trainees and entry-level technicians with at least six months of experience as well as those with experience in the sprinkler trade looking to make the transition to system layout.

Experienced layout technicians will find AFSA’s Intermediate Design School useful to understand the tools they utilize in-depth and gain a deeper knowledge of layout standpipe, fire pump, seismic protection, and the design requirements for general storage. This class is designed for competent trainees and technicians with at least one year of system layout experience. No prior Hydratec or Autodesk® Revit® experience is required. Students should be computer literate.

For more information on AFSA’s Beginning Design School, visit For details on AFSA’s Intermediate Design School, visit

AFSA’s design school scholarships are only for contractor members in the Tier 1-3 categories. For more information and to apply, visit Questions? Email

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