Featuring AFSA’s new Fire Sprinkler Lab
ITM Training / Inspector Development Program
NICET Level II Ready in 20 Months
The AFSA ITM Inspector Development Program utilizes a blended-learning format with on-demand lessons, webinars, and in-person training. The training course is combined with a robustly structured on-the-job training (OJT) and mentoring program with the goal for candidates to pass the NICET Level II water-based inspection certification exam in less than two years.
AFSA ITM Program graduates achieve a 93% pass rate on NICET Level I & II exams*, exceeding the 60% national average.
Introduction to the Fire Sprinkler Industry
1 Day
This course is designed for those new to the industry. Participants will explore the critical role of sprinkler systems in fire protection and life safety while gaining insight into the basics of fire dynamics. We will identify the functions of fire sprinklers within various occupancies and include hands-on activities.
Beginning ITM Workshop
2 Days
Participants will learn essential procedures and best practices based on NFPA 25. This hands-on course is tailored for those responsible for the ongoing maintenance and compliance of sprinkler systems. It includes demonstrations of wet systems, dry systems, and fire pumps, including main drain testing, dry valve trip testing, and fire pump no-flow testing.
Intermediate ITM Workshop
3 Days
In this hands-on workshop, participants will gain practical expertise in determining minimum frequencies and procedures for inspection & testing. Advanced skills will be developed in performing water flow tests on private service mains and standpipes and analysis of results. Requirements, components, operations, and special considerations for deluge and preaction systems are also included.
Fire Pump ITM Workshop
2 Days
This workshop will develop your knowledge and skills related to fire pump installations and necessary ITM procedures. Key differences between diesel and electric-driven fire pumps, exercises to perform no-flow and full-flow tests, and ITM requirements for water storage tanks are all included. Activities include energy diffuser selection, data acquisition, supply graphing, and data interpretation.
ITM Recorded Webinars

Sprinkler Types and Characteristics
Contact Hours:

Technical Changes to NFPA 13 and NFPA 25 Regarding Backflow Prevention & Testing
Contact Hours:

Updates to NFPA 25, 2023 Edition
Contact Hours: