AFSA ITM Training Comparison Chart

This chart compares the different features associated with each ITM course or program.

Beginning ITM WorkshopIntermediate ITM WorkshopFire Pump ITM WorkshopITM Inspector Development Program
Length of Course2 days3 days2 days20 months
ExperienceAnyAt least 6 monthsAnyNone
NFPA 25 IncludedYY
Certification Exam Strategies, PreparationLevel ILevel IILevels I & II
NICET Certification TestingLevels I & II
No-Flow Testing of Fire PumpsYYY
Fire Pump Annual Flow Testing and Data AnalysisYY
Private Fire Service MainsYY
3-year Testing Review and DemonstrationYY
5-Year Testing Review and DemonstrationYY
Flow Testing of StandpipesYY
Review Roles, Responsibilities of Owner, Contractor, and AHJYY
Wet SystemsYY
Dry SystemsYY
Preaction SystemsYY
Deluge SystemsYY

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