membership 'family' (contractors, manufacturers, designers, etc.)
who can serve as trainers: either as instructors or as content developers.

AFSA training programs are successful because of industry experts who give their time and knowledge to education development and delivery. Let us know if you’re interested.
If you need more information or have any questions, contact Leslie Clounts, 214-349-5965, x130.
- Apprentice Trainers Wanted
- Call for General Training
- General Training Information
AFSA apprenticeship instructors selected for this national training program will:
- Have an exceptional opportunity to share knowledge & expertise to hundreds of apprentices nationwide.
- Help meet the demand for a well-trained workforce.
- Complete a Train-the-Trainer course conducted by AFSA.
- Be compensated by AFSA.
- Teach up to two Fridays per month.
Qualified instructors should:
- Have extensive installation experience.
- Be familiar with AFSA’s 4-level apprentice training curriculum.
- Be experienced in conducting engaging training classes.
Fill out this form if you would like to teach in our apprentice training series.
Use this form if you want to sign-up to do general training for AFSA. This form is for everything except Apprentice Training.
AFSA has always been the voice for the merit shop Fire Sprinkler Contractor. It was founded by fire sprinkler contractors for fire sprinkler contractors. If you’ve been in this industry for any length of time, you’ve probably heard about a few of AFSA’s nationally renowned training programs, such as our four-level apprenticeship training series or our Beginning Fire Sprinkler System Planning Schools.
Training programs like these are successful because of industry experts who give their time and knowledge to their development and delivery. ‘Expert’ doesn’t necessarily mean those who are PEs or have years of lab research under their belt. It applies to men and women who have spent years in the fire protection industry, mastering their craft, continually increasing their knowledge, taking pride in their work and in knowing that what they do every day isn’t just a job – it matters. Their daily tasks save lives and property! Chances are, you know a few of these talented people!
Training for What?
AFSA offers a wide variety of training options, mostly centered in the installation, layout, or inspection/testing/maintenance of fire sprinkler systems. If you, or someone you know, are well versed in any (or all) of these areas, and want to teach or develop courses, let us hear from you! Perhaps you excel in an instructor capacity, engaging an audience to create a fulfilling learning environment. Or perhaps your skills shine in the written word, providing concise, technical training in the form of articles, training manuals, forms, & documents.
Maybe this doesn’t describe you, but someone else comes to your mind: a coworker with an impressive propensity for technical knowledge, or a colleague with a talent for training others. Though they may not recognize their own remarkable gifts, you do! Nominate them to share their skills with this growing industry. Complete this questionnaire so that talents, skills, qualifications, and areas of expertise can be assessed and used to determine where you (or your colleague) might be a great fit in the delivery of AFSA training programs.
This Association’s success, direction, services, and integrity are all due to the dedication of its membership. If you haven’t already, step up and make your mark on AFSA!