Protecting Flammable Liquids with Synthetic Fluorine Free Foam (SFFF)

This webinar will discuss the transition from aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) to synthetic fluorine-free foam (SFFF) based on new environmental regulations adopted by several states. SFFF can protect specific ignitible liquid hazards by using the prescriptive requirements in NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, FM Data Sheet 7-29 Ignitable Liquid in Portable Containers, FM […]

Hands-On Course for Inspection, Testing & Maintenance of Water-based Fire Protection Systems

JCI Training Center 1467 Elmwood Ave., Cranston, RI, United States

This class will provide a 3-day hands-on review of the inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM) requirements for sprinkler systems, standpipe systems, fire pumps, and common components for water-based fire protection systems through classroom-based review and hands-on demonstrations and practice. Half of the course includes a classroom-based review and the other half consists of hands-on demonstrations […]

Updates to NFPA 14, 2023 Edition

Description: NFPA 14 Standard for the Installation of Standpipes and Hose Systems, 2023 edition, is in the final stages of the revision process, and a substantial effort was made to focus on the needs of the AHJ when it comes to specific design requirements in the standard. This presentation will discuss the new structure of […]

Standard Spray Sprinkler Obstructions

Online Webinar

Standard spray sprinklers are a staple in fire sprinkler systems. These tried-and-true sprinklers have lots of details for locating sprinklers near obstructions, and there are certainly plenty of obstructions in the field. Learn what items are considered obstructions to standard spray sprinklers and how close is too close when installing them. Not every obstruction can […]

Enforcing NFPA 25 with the Fire Code

Online Webinar

Join us for a webinar to learn about enforcing the requirements of NFPA 25. NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems is referenced by the model fire codes. While NFPA 25 provides the required tasks and frequencies to perform ITM activities, enforcement lies within the fire code. This […]

Alabama Chapter Training

The Alabama Chapter is pleased to offer a full day of training consisting of the following topics:NFPA 13 – General Storage  (1.5-hr)NFPA 20 Understanding NFPA 20 and Fire Pump Requirements  (1.5-hr)NFPA 25 – Obstructions in NFPA 25  (1.5-hr)Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Standpipe Systems  (1.5-hr)Fire Pump Acceptance Testing and NFPA 25 Testing  (2-hr)8 Credit/Contact Hours; 8.0 CPDs (NICET); 0.8 CEUs; Florida Approved Instructor: John August Denhardt, […]

Remote Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Fire Pumps

Online Webinar

Date: 2/1/23     Time: 9:00 AM  Pacific Time / 11:00 AM Central Time As more and more emphasis is given to the Internet of Things (IoT), the use of electronic devices to determine the status of water-based fire protection systems is getting a lot of attention. Recent changes to NFPA 20 and to NFPA 13, […]

Louisiana Chapter Training

AFSA National and the Louisiana Fire Sprinkler Association are pleased to offer a full day of training consisting of two seminars: "Updates to the 2022 Edition of NFPA 13" and "Installation of Storage Sprinklers" presented by AFSA Vice President of Technical Services & Engineering, John Denhardt, P.E., FSFPE. Learn More and Register

Beginning Design School

The Beginning Design School presents a comprehensive, practical approach to preparing fire sprinkler system drawings. Over a three-week period, students will attend six live webinars studying and reviewing the installation and design approach requirements of NFPA 13 (2019) while completing self-paced exercises and module assessments. Q&A sessions and open discussions will also be included as […]

Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculations Workshop

General Air Products Exton, PA, United States

In this three-day, in-person workshop, students will understand and apply principles of hydraulics including the different types of pressure, calculating changes in pressure (elevation and friction loss), and node analysis. Students will apply factors for equivalent length adjustments based on pipe type, size, and system arrangement. Using the principles of hydraulics, students will select a […]

Get Involved in the NFPA Process

Online Webinar

While the ink may still be drying on the 2022 edition of NFPA 13, the technical committees are hard at work preparing for the second draft meetings of the 2025 edition. This session will look at how you can get involved in the discussion and the development of the standard that provides the guiding principles […]

Proposed Updates to NFPA 13

The 2025 edition of NFPA 13 is currently out for public comment, and this webinar will review the changes that can be found in the first draft report and topics from the public input stage that can be brought back up for discussion. This webinar will specifically discuss the first revisions made by the installation […]

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