Beginning Design School

AFSA Headquarters 1410 East Renner Rd., Suite 150, Richardson, TX, United States

The Beginning Design School presents a comprehensive, practical approach to preparing fire sprinkler system drawings.

Introduction to the Fire Sprinkler Industry

AFSA Headquarters 1410 East Renner Rd., Suite 150, Richardson, TX, United States

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of sprinkler systems, enhancing skills and knowledge for both newcomers and professionals in the fire protection industry.

Beginning ITM Workshop

AFSA Headquarters 1410 East Renner Rd., Suite 150, Richardson, TX, United States

AFSA's Beginning ITM Workshop course offers comprehensive understanding of NFPA 25's standards for inspecting, testing, and maintaining water-based fire protection systems, ensuring proper functioning and reliability.

Fire Pump ITM Workshop

AFSA Headquarters 1410 East Renner Rd., Suite 150, Richardson, TX, United States

AFSAÕs Fire Pump ITM Workshop is designed to provide ITM technicians, Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs), and facilities managers with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills related to fire pump installations and the necessary ITM procedures.

Updates to NFPA 200

Online Webinar

The proposed NFPA 200, Standard for Hanging and Bracing of Fire Suppression Systems has extended its inaugural revision cycle to provide the best possible document for its users. Developed to establish criteria specific to systems other than sprinkler systems, this standard will be the new authority on hanging and bracing requirements for other standards to […]

Sacramento Valley Chapter Training

Placer County Association of REALTORS 270 Technology Way Suite 100, Rocklin, CA, United States

6 Hours of instruction.   Register & More Info

Intermediate Design School

AFSA Headquarters 1410 East Renner Rd., Suite 150, Richardson, TX, United States

This blended learning course for experienced layout technicians provides in-depth understanding of tools, layouts, fire pumps, seismic protection, and general storage design requirements, while utilizing computer modeling software for BIM application.

NFPA 13 (2025)

Online Webinar

The 2025 edition of NFPA 13 has been updated to include new technologies, more efficient means and methods, and modified requirements based on the latest research available. This presentation will review the significant changes that were made during the standard revision cycle with an emphasis on requirements that impact the designer. Significant revisions that were […]

Impairment Procedures (Fitter Zone)

Online Webinar

This webinar breaks down the key requirements outlined in Chapter 15 of NFPA 25. We’ll explore the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in the impairment process, providing clarity on each individual's duties. Explore real-world examples and discuss proper documentation and communication that needs to happen during various stages of the impairment process. The […]

Beginning ITM Workshop

AFSA Headquarters 1410 East Renner Rd., Suite 150, Richardson, TX, United States

AFSA's Beginning ITM Workshop course offers comprehensive understanding of NFPA 25's standards for inspecting, testing, and maintaining water-based fire protection systems, ensuring proper functioning and reliability.

Advanced Hydraulic Calculations

AFSA Headquarters 1410 East Renner Rd., Suite 150, Richardson, TX, United States

This three-day, in-person workshop provides a deep dive into advanced hydraulic principles for standpipe systems, fire pump assemblies, and water storage tanks.

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