Participants will ignite their knowledge of codes and standards while gaining a deeper understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the owner or designated representative, ITM technician, and Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). The class includes hands-on demonstrations and activities of wet systems, dry systems, and fire pumps, including (but not limited to) main drain testing, dry valve trip testing, and fire pump no-flow testing.
Course content is subject to change based on specific needs and equipment availability.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, participants will be able to:
- Explain codes, standards, and the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved in the inspection, testing, and maintenance of water-based fire protection systems.
- Comparing and contrasting the components of different types of water-based fire protection systems.
- Identify the operation and required NFPA 25 periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements for common components, sprinkler systems, wet systems, and dry systems in water-based fire protection systems.
- Execute the NFPA 25 requirements for the no-flow testing of fire pumps
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