See Media Kit Pricing.
This bi-monthly e-newsletter delivers articles highlighting upcoming educational events. Circulation: 6000 Demographics: Member or Non-member by Direct Request Published: 6x Annually
This bi-monthly e-newsletter is tailored specifically for AFSA contractor members by reporting on business, legal and labor issues. Circulation: 800 Demographics: Member Contractor Company Owners or Owner’s Rep Published: 6x Annually
This weekly e-newsletter includes technical notices, code updates and code committee action as well as information about code- and/or design-related issues. It is written by AFSA staff engineers. Circulation: 1200 Demographics: Members Only by Direct Request Published: Weekly
This bi-monthly email is a subscription-based service for the Sprinkler Age Digital Edition. Circulation: 1500 Demographics: Members and Non-members by Subscription Published: Bi-Monthly
This bi-monthly email is a subscription-based service for the Sprinkler Age Digital Edition. Reach: 1318 Demographics: Fire Sprinkler Experts Weekly Published: Weekly
Reach thousands of readers on by purchasing a Sponsored Blog Post! Sponsored posts include a blog post with a video or image(s) using copy provided by the advertiser, and are also posted to our main AFSA Twitter and Facebook page. We only publish one sponsored post per day. Sponsored posts should not be considered endorsements, and blogs that do not allow for clear and conspicuous disclosures will not be accepted.
Sponsored Blog Post Order Form
Want to send an email blast to thousands of AFSA members and contacts? We have made that possible with our new Sponsored Emails! The blast can be to all contacts nationwide, which includes over 1500 member companies and over 3000 prospects. If you want to target just contractors, or just AHJs, that is certainly achievable. And if you want to send an email to contractors in just one part of the country, that’s possible, too! Just send us the content and the demographics you want to reach, and we will send out the email blast.
One of AFSA’s most popular member benefits is access to its multitude of educational webinars. Webinar topics run the gamut from the technical, like information modeling, sprinkler pipe corrosion, NFPA updates and OSHA awareness, to business management topics, like succession planning and legal issues. Five minutes prior to the start of each webinar, there are 10 thirty-second advertiser blocks. Advertisers can choose to create a slide or video, or have the creative staff at AFSA create a slide on their behalf.
With a circulation of more than 3,800 (by direct request, paid subscription or AFSA membership) plus an additional pass-along readership of more than 10,500*, the demand for Sprinkler Age demonstrates that readers welcome the magazine’s straightforward approach in providing useful information that they cannot get anywhere else. Sprinkler Age brings the most original and informative editorial material to its readers. It has been called The Magazine for technical information.
The earned advertising rate is based on the total number of full and fractional advertising units used in Sprinkler Age within a 12-month contract period beginning with the month of the first insertion. In cases where the advertising contract rolls over into the following year, the new rate (if any) will become effective January 1 unless the majority of the contract’s insertions were placed in the previous year.
Unit | Width (in.) | Depth (in.) |
Full Page | 8-1/2 | 11 |
2/3 Page | 4-3/4 | 10 |
Island 1/2 Pg | 4-3/4 | 7-3/8 |
1/2 Page Horizontal | 7-1/4 | 4-7/8 |
1/2 Page Vertical | 3-1/2 | 10 |
1/3 Page Vertical | 2-1/4 | 10 |
13 Page Horizontal | 7-1/4 | 3 |
1/3 Page Square | 4-3/4 | 4-7/8 |
1/4 Page | 3-1/2 | 4-7/8 |
1/6 Page Vertical | 2-1/4 | 4-7/8 |
Publication Trim Size: 8 1/2” x 11” Bleed: 1/8” printed bleed beyond trim of eachedge. Image Area: 7 1/4” x 10” Spreads: keep line matter 1/4″ from the gutteredge. Screens: 175 line screen, Scans should be minimum 300 dpi. Photo & PDF DPI: minimum 300 dpi at 100% Preferred Material: Electronic Files Only . Advertiser and/or agency must provide a printed proof (color proof where applicable) or digital pdf image for checking accuracy. Sprinkler Age cannot guarantee proper appearance of an ad without a proof provided by the advertiser and/or agency for comparison. Electronic files are deleted one year after last placement. Printing: offset lithography on coated stock. Binding: saddle-stitch.
American Fire Sprinkler Association c/o Wells Fargo Bank PO Box 200201 Dallas, TX 75230-0201
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