Facility Managers


 Get the Help You Need

Discover the AFSA Advantage

AFSA gives facility managers the training and resources to ensure their facility is code compliant, minimize the risk of a catastrophe in the event of a fire, avoid costly inspection violations, and provide peace of mind. Also, we got it covered for those seeking NFPA, ASSE, ACE, or NICET certifications in ITM.

Education & Training

AFSA offers hands-on training, webinars, and an ITM Inspector Development Program that reviews the inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM) requirements for fire protection systems.


Ask questions and get answers about codes, standards, inspections, or anything related to the fire sprinkler industry. Our engineering & technical services team helps write the codes & standards that define ITM of water-based fire protection systems.


Create a community of friends and experts from around the industry who are a great resource, help you grow, share practical insights, and leave a lasting impact on your career.

Benefits of Joining AFSA

  • Technical Webinars
  • Inspection, Testing, & maintenance Training
  • Largest Fire Sprinkler Convention in North America
  • Member Discounts
  • Industry Information
  • Sprinkler Age Magazine
Facility Manger

What Our Members Say

Members have raved about how partnering with AFSA has helped their businesses.

Stacey Fantauzzi

AFSA has helped our business grow. Whether it’s supplying training, using tech services for questions, or representing our interests in codes and standards committees, we are immeasurably more successful because of our participation with AFSA.

Stacey Fantauzzi

- Northeast Fire Protecton Stystems, Inc

Josh Shapiro

Joining AFSA is really important because you get to learn from other people who might have the same issues you do from a different side of the country and, they have the same problems as you do.

Josh Shapiro

- Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Company, Inc.


ITM Connection Banner

ITM Connection Newsletter

Monthly newsletter discussing ITM-based notices and updates. It is written by AFSA’s Technical Services Department. This newsletter is an AFSA member benefit.

To receive this newsletter, sign in to your AFSA member account and click receive ITM information under your preferences.

hands on a keyboard

AFSA Technical Reviews

The experience of the Technical Services Department is an excellent resource for answering questions on the codes and standards. This feature is an AFSA member benefit.

AFSA convention exhibit floor

AFSA43 Convention, Exhibition & Apprentice Competition

AFSA43 is the largest fire sprinkler exhibition in the industry. This year it starts Sept. 18-21, 2024 and is located in Denver, Colorado, at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center. It offers four days of networking with industry leading decision makers, contracting companies
and fire sprinkler professionals attending the convention.From start to finish, it will be an exciting and fun experience. There is a large selection of seminars, fun parties, a huge exhibit space, and more. Don’t miss out on everything AFSA43 and Denver have to offer.

Sprinkler Age Logo

Discover articles that focus on ITM issues in AFSA’s Sprinkler Age Magazine.

Sprinkler Age Articles Featuring ITM



Correction deficiencies and repairs for facility managers.


Three new ITM courses are added to AFSA’s curriculum.


Ensuring your fire pump system is ready when you need it most.

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