Growth is a Journey, Let us Guide You.

The American Fire Sprinkler Association, (AFSA) is a non-profit, international association representing merit shop fire sprinkler contractors, dedicated to the educational advancement of its members and promotion of the use of automatic fire sprinkler systems.

Member Services

AFSA provides the resources you need to thrive in the fire sprinkler industry. When you join AFSA, every employee can benefit from membership.

Join Us

Invest in your company’s success. Join the association that has helped thousands of companies just like yours.

Technical Services

The experience of the Technical Services Department is an excellent resource for answering questions on the codes and standards.

Training Programs

As a member, you have access to the best training in the industry at members only rates. Gain higher profitability by heightening your technical knowledge.

Find a Member or Company

Easily find the member or company in your area
and the distance they are from your zip code.

Sprinkler Fitter Apprentice Training Live Virtual Instruction Program

AFSA now offers a virtual instruction program (VIP) for the apprentice curriculum.

Each level provides ten months of education to accompany the On-The-Job Learning (OJL) the employer conducts. The education includes the Sprinkler Fitting textbooks, two monthly live sessions, performance tasks to reinforce the modules, self-study components, and assessments.

Member Discounts

As a member, you have access to the best training in the industry at members only rates. Gain higher profitability by heightening your technical knowledge.

Live Webinars

Webinars are a hassle-free way to learn and earn required continuing education credits  rom any location. Most live webinars are FREE to AFSA members.

Upcoming Events

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